Dr Teresa (Tess) Hall

Dr Teresa (Tess) Hall is a public health professional with thirteen years of research and policy experience in the Victorian, Australian and international mental health and social systems. Tess is interested in the participation of people, families and communities in mental health research and system development, including through co-design and participatory methodologies. Tess’ PhD from the Nossal Institute for Global Health, University of Melbourne investigated the acceptability and feasibility of 'people-centred' approaches to mental health care in Timor-Leste. Tess also holds a First Class Honours in Psychological Science (University of Queensland) and an MSc Public Health (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine). Tess led the co-design process and development of the evaluation protocol for Child and Family Hubs (Theme B).
Tess is a Postdoctoral Fellow and has concluded her research role on the project, however remains an honorary member of the CRE.